Clinical Orthodontics Course Course Objective: AHEAD Orthodontics coaching is to facilitate professional growth by providing an environment in which one would learn by active participation. This diploma course will enable the candidate to comprehensively serve the patients, who come for dental care. This course enhances your knowledge and makes the candidate confident enough in using the Straight-Arch Technique. The Orthodontic Clinical Course is a full-time clinical and academic program for internationally trained dental school graduates and practitioners who seek introductory orthodontic clinical experience and knowledge. On successful completion of the program, participants will be able to recognize patients requiring orthodontic therapy and understand the treatment modalities in achieving esthetic and functionally acceptable occlusion for patients with moderately severe malocclusion. Features of the Orthodontics Course: Use of latest fixed orthodontic appliances Case analysis Band placement Bonding of the brackets Concept of wire sequencing Wire placement Securing the wire Use of modules and steel ligatures Use of Elastics MBT bracket system M- Mc Laughlin B- Bennet T- Trevisi The course is planned for a minimum duration of 8 to 12 months. The course can be extended for an additional 4-6 months if the candidate wants to evaluate his or her treatment results on the allotted patients The patients will not be charged for the orthodontic treatment for enhanced cooperation The candidates have to work under the supervision of the orthodontist and have to follow all the instructions. Care will be taken to impart quality treatment to the patients. Each module consists of theory lectures of 2-4 hours and clinical demonstrations as required There will be 4 sessions in a month of 6-8 hours The candidates will be divided in groups (3to4) for the teaching sessions as well as for the clinical demonstrations The candidates will be allowed to do the entire strap up (banding, bonding and wire placement) at least on 10 patients under the guidance of the orthodontist over a period of 1 year. After the strap up, the candidate will be allowed to evaluate the dental and soft tissue changes on a monthly basis. Course Duration: The duration of the course is customized as per the requirement of the candidates ranging from few weeks to few months This program consists of classes with postgraduate trainees combined with observations and assisting in the clinics. The curriculum includes a variety of lectures, seminars, and conferences that are incorporated into the program utilizing the new audiovisual conference room. Comprehensive learning in the biological sciences, human growth and development, and biomechanical principles of orthodontic theory are stressed. Clinical education takes place in our state-of-the-art clinic where preceptors will work closely with orthodontic postgraduate trainees to gain clinical training dealing with a variety of patients under the close guidance of diverse and experienced faculties. Enquire Now