Bachelor Of Dental Surgery or BDS is one of the most popular and designated degree
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Showing 1–8 of 15 results
Two factors affect tissue tone- Age and health of patient affects the intrinsic structures of facial tissues. Poor tissue tone can also be the result of inadequate support by…
Microleakage around Glass Ionomer Cement Adheres to tooth structure by forming chemical bond b/w carboxyl gp of cement and Ca ions of tooth. Properties decreasing microleakage : CTE similar…
STRENGTH: The wet strength (green strength) is the strength obtained when the water in excess of that required for hydration of the hemihydrates is left in the test specimen….
Design of a preparation for a cast restoration and the execution of the design are governed by five principles: Preservation of tooth structure 2 Retention and resistance Structural…
Unstable Angina This is defined as angina of recent onset which is severe present with minimal exertion or at rest with recent rapid increase in severity and duration or…
Irreversible Cell Injury: Features of irreversible cell injury include Damage to cell membrane : It results due to continued influx of water, loss of membrane phospholipids and loss…
Abnormal Bleeding and Coagulopathies Resuscitation of the bleeding patient with isotonic saline solutions will rapidly dilute and deplete the clotting system. In patients who respond to fluids but appear…
Amelogenesis Imperfecta and Dentinogenesis Imperfecta Amelogenesis imperfecta and dentinogenesis imperfecta are linked to defects in structural genes that code for proteins essential to the development of tooth enamel (amelogenesis…